Monday, March 28, 2011

Cultural Diffusion Part 2

Here are the next pair of paintings from my series comparing Cali, Colombia to New York City, USA. In Cali there is a giant statue of Jesus on top of a mountain (similar to the one in Brazil). This monument is called "El Cristo Rey" which translates to "Christ the King." You can see a picture HERE if you are unfamiliar. It always reminded me much of New York's Statue of Liberty. Enjoy!

Éstos son el siguiente par de pinturas de mi serie comparando Cali, Colombia con Nueva York, Estados Unidos. En Cali hay una estatua gigante de Jesús encima de una montaña (similar al de Brasil). Este monumento se llama "El Cristo Rey" que se traduce a "Christ the King" en Ingles. Puedes ver una foto AQUI si no está familiarizado. Siempre me recordó a la Estatua de Libertad. Disfrute!

1 comment:

Charles George Esperanza said...

Definitely lovin the color palette on the cali scene. might be my fave in the series so far.