Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day and Night

Hi Bloggers! Like most artists, I get inspiration from the sights, sounds, and people around me. Also like most artists, I notice I never really mention my inspiration when displaying my artwork. So that's what I'm doing right now! I'm sure you've all heard the song, "Day and Night" by Kid Kudi a thousand times. It's pretty catchy and has a lot of imagery within the lyrics. I decided to illustrate the song and let everyone see what I see when I hear this song.
In terms of inspiration, I love that video D.A.N.C.E. by Justice. See it HERE in case you don't know what I'm talking about. I love how they use T-shirts to animate the lyrics of the song. Why not use that element in an illustration?

Its still a work in progress (as most of my pieces seem to be nowadays) As always, feedback is appreciated. Should I make the arms more realistic or keep it stylized? Is the Day/night theme clear enough? Let me know what you guys think. Enjoy : )

"Day and Night" Photoshop


Unknown said...

I personally think you can darken the sky a little's looking a bit like dusk to me. I like the stylized arms though, but I'm feeling that this would be stronger with some sort of type incorporated.

Jaclyn Schauer said...

I agree with jonathan about the sky...and the arms look a little unfinished because they are jagged and not a smooth curve.

Jung Wei Lien said...

The curving of the arms remind me of pretzels. I'm also weird'd out by the hair. Kinda 80's-ish.

Charles George Esperanza said...

lol I like the hair, and I also like that the work is so indirect and kind of out there creating an air of interpretation. the design of the trees is boss. the hands look great and the composition is on point. it can only gt better from here all I suggest is fixing the shirt and making the top part more interesting to look at.

Christian Castro said...

Jonathan- When I was painting this I was designing it as a CD cover So I did leave room for type. I even have a version with type on it, maybe I should have posted that version too. I'll def change the sky color. Thanks for the tip.

Jaclyn / Jung Wei- I'll change the arms.They might even look better with a smooth curve.

Charlie G.- I was considering putting something in the top part of the shirt. Maybe some birds flying out of it?

Unknown said...

Great Chris! Love them trees :)

andillustrations said...

cool illustration!

Nathalie Gonzalez said...

hey-- this is looking cool-- would love to see the text you worked with on this! Maybe a transitioning shadow on the shoulder part of the shirt to integrate the dimension on the face and hands with the shirt? Oh, and something to think about: what about making the hair curlier and a little more voluminous to emulate the trees?? Colors look great.